Win-Win Cooperation Fly to Deep Space - 1st International Deep Space Exploration Conference (Tiandu Forum)opened

Release:2024-03-21 From:深空探测实验室官网 Views:318

On April 25, as one of the host activities of the 2023 "China Space Day" series, the opening ceremony and main forum of the first International Deep Space Exploration Conference (Tiandu Forum) was successfully held in Hefei, Anhui province. With the theme of "Win-win cooperation, fly to space", the meeting focused on China's deep space exploration engineering planning and promoted in-depth cooperation on the International Lunar Research Station (ILRS). Zhang Hongwen,Vice Governor of Anhui province,Li Guoping,China National Space Administration (CNSA), Luo Yunfeng, Mayor of Hefei, Liu Yang, astronaut and Carlos de Moura, Director of the Brazilian Space Agency, delivered opening remarks respectively.


The conference was organized by the Deep Space Exploration Laboratory and co-organized by the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization, the China Space Foundation and the University of Science and Technology of China.


At the opening ceremony, the National Space Administration and the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization signed a joint statement on the cooperation,about the International Lunar Research Station (ILRS). Deep Space Exploration Laboratory signed working agreements with a number of academician experts to establish the first batch of academician (scientist) studios, and signed strategic cooperation agreements with the Wenchang International Aerospace City Administration and the Institute of Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.



Wu Yanhua, chief designer of the Major project of China's Deep Space Exploration, and Wu Weiren, director of the Deep Space Exploration Laboratory, respectively made keynote reports entitled "China's Deep Space Exploration" and "International Lunar Research Station - International Big Science Project", in-depth interpretation of China's deep space exploration planning and the construction plan of the international lunar research station. Academician Wang Chi, Director of the National Space Science Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Academician Pan Jianwei, Executive Vice President of the University of Science and Technology of China; Academician Yu Dengyun, Deputy Director of the Science and Technology Committee of the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation Limited; and Sergei Konstantinovich Krikalyov, Executive Director of the Manned space Program of the Russian State Space Corporation, Former American astronaut Donald Thomas, Michel Blanc, emeritus professor of the French Astrophysics and Planetary Research Institute, and other foreign space experts respectively made a presentation entitled "China's Medium and Long-Term Development Plan for Space Science", "High-precision Quantum Manipulation and Detection", "The Global Collection Competition of the Queqiao Remote Integrated Constellation Program", "the Status and Prospect of the Russian manned space Program", "the Space Launch System of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States & the Artemis Project, Technologies for Planetary Exploration: Horizon 2061 Outlook, and other reports.


The two-day conference held on April 25-26, including the main forum, the Engineering and Technology sub-forum, the Deep Space Science Sub-forum and the International Symposium on the International Lunar Research Station. The conference invited academicians, experts and scholars from space agencies and international organizations around the world, relevant domestic ministries and commissions, space agencies, scientific research institutes, institutions of higher learning, and the field of deep space exploration and space at home and abroad. The discussion will focus on major topics such as the national medium and long-term planning for deep space exploration, cutting-edge technologies in the field of deep space exploration, academic achievements in deep space exploration, the focus and hot spots of international deep space exploration, major projects at home and abroad in the field of deep space exploration, and international cooperation in deep space exploration.More than 500 delegates from 14 countries and regions attended the conference, including more than 130 international representatives.


Tiandu Forum is the first international conference in the field of deep space exploration initiated by China. "Tiandu" comes from Tiandu Peak, the main peak of Huangshan in Anhui province, and the Deep space Exploration Laboratory is also named after it (Tiandu Laboratory). The international conference is named after "Heaven", which means that China's deep space exploration bravely climbs the scientific and technological peak and goes to the world.


Holding the International Deep Space Exploration Conference (Tiandu Forum)   was a vivid practice of expanding open exchanges, promoting diversified cooperation, and building a community of shared future for mankind in outer space, as China's space industry faced the new international situation of deep space exploration, focusing on major scientific issues and cutting-edge technologies of deep space exploration.The Forum was positioned as "a cutting-edge and future-oriented high-end academic platform in the field of deep space exploration, an exchange platform for international collaboration and cooperation in big science and engineering, and a display platform for inheriting and promoting China's lunar exploration spirit and culture".


This was the first Tiandu Forum and will be held regularly every year. It will gather superior scientific and technological resources worldwide, highlight the characteristics of "all-round, deep and wide-ranging", promote international exchanges and cooperation in deep space exploration with more open thinking and measures, attract international partners, enhance communication and understanding, and promote project cooperation.